Inspection and testing are the process of determining the nature, characteristics and performance of a product, system or process. These activities are typically performed to ensure that a product or process meets the regulatory requirements and standards before being put into use.
Kiểm định và hiệu chuẩn thiết bị là quá trình đảm bảo rằng các thiết bị đo và kiểm tra đáp ứng các yêu cầu về độ chính xác và đáng tin cậy
Exhaust gas treatment system design plays an important role in reducing air pollution, protecting human health, complying with regulations and laws, protecting the environment and ensuring industrial safety.
Design and construction of wastewater treatment systems are necessary to protect the environment, ensure human health, comply with legal regulations and utilize water resources effectively.
Do the water quality assessment parameters, mainly from the river system, meet the daily needs? Do the water sources discharged into the environment meet the basic parameters in the water source safety standards issued by the government?
Labor safety training is a training process to help employees to understand and apply the labor safety regulations, procedures and measures during work in order to minimize the risk of accidents and protect the worker’s health. Moreover, the work efficiency can be increased.
Monitoring is an important activity in state management of environmental protection. In Article 3 of the Law on Environmental Protection No. 72/2020/QH14 issued on November 17, 2020, "Environmental monitoring is defined as the continuous, periodic, irregular, systematic monitoring of environmental components and factors affecting the environment and waste. This allows to assess of the current state of the environment the developments of the environmental quality and the negative impacts on the environment. Therefore, monitoring is an important activity in state management of environmental protection.