Currently, the environmental protection, especially the water resources protection, is an issue of global concern. In Vietnam, the main source of water comes from an extremely rich river system. The pollution usually comes from the direct discharge of waste into the river system. This can be said to be the main factor explaining the increasing environmental pollution nowadays.
1. Water quality assessment parameters
To evaluate the water quality as well as the level of
water pollution, it is possible to rely on a number of basic indicators and set
the time of each indicator according to a country's Environmental Protection
Law or a standard. International regulations exist for each type of water and
for the different use of the water. Combining the requirements of water quality
assessment parameters and water pollutants can provide water quality assessment
pH index
The pH is one of the most important and frequently
used parameters used to evaluate the level of pollution of water sources,
wastewater quality, water hardness, flocculation, and corrosion potential.
Therefore, testing the pH to complete the water quality in accordance with
technical requirements for each stage of management is very important,
moreover, ensuring the quality for users. When the pH index is lower than 7,
the water has an acidic environment; a pH higher than 7 means that the water
has an alkaline environment. The latter can be due to chemicals which entered
the water environment.
SS index (solid solved - suspended solids)
Suspended and total solids affect water quality in
many aspects. Low levels of dissolved solids in water limit the growth or
prevent the development of aquatic life. High levels of dissolved solids in
water often have a taste.
DO index (dyssolved oxygen - dissolved oxygen in water)
The oxygen present in water is, on the one hand,
dissolved from oxygen in the air, and on the other hand, produced from
photochemical synthesis reactions of algae and plants living in the water.
Factors that affect the dissolution of oxygen into water are temperature,
atmospheric pressure, flow, location, and terrain. The DO value in water
depends on the physical, chemical properties and biological activities
occurring in it. DO index analysis allows us to evaluate the level of water
pollution and to check the process of water quality assessment parameters in
wastewater treatment.
COD index (Chemical oxygen Demand - chemical oxygen
The COD index is an important standard to evaluate the
pollution level of water (wastewater, surface water, domestic water) because it
indicates the amount of organic matter in the water. A high COD content in the water
shows that the water source has many organic pollutants.
BOD index (Chemical oxygen demand)
The BOD index is the amount of oxygen (expressed in
grams or milligrams of O2 per volume unit) needed for microorganisms
to biologically oxidize organic substances in the dark under standard
conditions of temperature and time. Thus, the BOD index reflects the amount of
easily biodegradable organic substances present in the water sample.
Ammonia Index (NH4+)
In the water, ammonia is present in the natural
surface of the area only at trace concentration (less than 0.05 mg/l). In water
sources with acidic or neutral pH, ammonia is present in the form of ammonia
ion (NH4+); in water sources with alkaline pH, ammonia
exists mainly in the form of NH3 gas.
Nitrate index (NO3-)
Nitrate is the final product of the decomposition of
nitrogen-containines in substances found in human and animal waste. In natural
water, nitrate concentration is usually less than 5 mg/l. In areas polluted by
waste, fertilizers, and high nitrate concentrations, this is a good nutritional
environment for algae and seaweed growth, affecting the quality of domestic
water and aquatic products.
Phosphate index (PO43-)
Phosphate is a nutrient for algae growth. Phosphate
concentration in unpolluted water sources is usually less than 0.01 mg/l.
Sources of phosphate introduced into the environment are human and animal
feces, and wastewater from some phosphate fertilizer industries, the food
industry and in water flowing from the fields. Phosphate is not toxic to
Chloride index (Cl-)
Chloride is present in water due to domestic waste and
industrial wastewater, mainly from the food processing industry. It is also due
to the intrusion of sea water into estuaries and groundwater.
Coliform index
Coliform bacteria (Coliform, Fecal coliform, Fecal
streptococci, Escherichia coli...) are present in the small intestine and feces
of warm-blooded animals. Through the digestive tract, they enter the
environment and thrive if conditions exist, like a favorable temperature.
Heavy metal index
Heavy metals (Arsenic, Lead, Chromium(VI), Cadmium,
Mercury...) are present in water for many reasons: during the dissolution of
minerals, metal components that are naturally available or used. in
construction projects and industrial waste. The effects of heavy metals vary
depending on their concentration, being beneficial if they are in low
concentrations and very toxic if the concentrations exceed the allowable limit.
2. Water sample testing service at the lowest cost in
the market
Depending on the criteria and implementation methods
and testing purposes, there will be different water sample testing packages.
Normally, the price for water sample testing will range from 560 thousand VND
depending on the request for water quality testing criteria from consumers.
The FEC Group Joint Stock Company deploys water sample
testing service packages as follows:
- Analysis and assessment of surface water quality for
- Analysis of daily water use
- Analysis of bottled drinking water for business
- Analysis of water supplied to factories, companies,
and production and business units
- Analysis and evaluation of the water quality for
organic agriculture and high-tech agriculture
- Analysis of water quality as required.
The current water treatment that meets the water
quality assessment parameters is an urgent issue, given top priority by the
State, environmental protectionists, and non-governmental organizations.
Therefore, all agencies and organizations that discharge waste into the
environment need a special attention and support from specialized environmental
units in building standard waste discharge systems in order to ensure that the
water discharged into the environment meets the allowed technical standards.
FEC Group Joint Stock Company
Phone number: 0356.541.516
Address: 7/71 Luong Van Tam, Dinh Ke Ward, Bac Giang
FEC Group Fanpage